
Showing posts from February, 2018


INTRODUCTION: This assignment was to make a bot that played the game Sushi Go Round . The objective was to  follow the tutorial found here .  I will go through the steps that i did to build the bot from the tutorial. Testing will be in blue . Errors and problems that i encountered will be in red . Explanations are in black. Below is the full demonstration of the finished bot. PROBLEM DISCUSSION: Step 1. Creating new Python Project I created a python project and i opened it in PyCharm. STEP 2. Downloading Libraries The first thing i did was download python 3 from Anaconda, Inc. I then downloaded the PyCharm Community Edition and set my paths correctly. *Problem* The tutorial required that i download and install additional python libraries. However, i was not able to download them directly from the links provided, because some of the libraries were used for an older version of python. I attempted to look for alternatives and download them. I wro...